Teacher Competence

"They are not my students, they are my kids"

Many crucial issues come during the pandemic of coronavirus outbreak. Hundred of teachers, many of them have to teach-from-home for weeks. It needs a high competency to do a lot of things at the same time. Teacher has to  prepare the material to teach, make an assesment, and have a digital competency too. Meanwhile, they have their own kids at home, that need them as parents to accompany them to study.

We can see who is really the professional teacher, when they have to deal with this difficult situation. Some of them have competency to teach in reguler class, but don't have the ability to teach online class. And for sure in this difficult situation with no preparation, they have to teach from home.

Teacher competence always been measured as the quality of education itself. 

What is the competency?

Competencies are the skills and knowledge that enable a teacher to be succesful. To maximize student learning, teacher must have expertise in wide-ranging array of competencies in an especially complex environment where hundred of critical decisions are required each day (Jackson, 1990).

There are 4 teacher competences must have :
1. Instructional delivery
2. Classroom management
3. Formative assessment
4. Personal competencies (soft skill)

An inspiring teacher can affect student profoundly by stimulating their interest in learning. It is equally true that most students have encountered teachers who were uninspiring and for whom they performed poorly. 

Unfotunatelly, effective and ineffective teachers have no readily discrenable personality differences. Some of the very best teacher are affable, but many ineffective instuctors can be personable and caring. Conversely, some of the best teacher appears as stern task masters, but whose influence is enormous in motivating students to accomplish things they never thought possible.

Indispensable soft skill, the teacher must have:
1. Establishing high but achieveable expectation
2. Encouraging a love for learning
3. Listening to others
4. Being flexible and capable of adjusting to novel situations
5. Showing empathy
6. Being culturally sensitive
7. Embedding and encouraing higher order thinking along with teaching foundation skills
8. Having a positive regard for students.


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