Self Discipline : The Important Key to Success in Study
"Through Self Discipline comes Freedom"
Something I've learned from the situation now days during the coronavirus pandemic is how to develop our self discipline. Especially when you have to work from home or study from home. For the lecturer or teachers like us, we have specific guidance about the materials that we would teach. We write a study plan of our subject and we prepare everything include our moods before we teach in online class. But, how about the students?
Online learning gives the students flexibility to study anytime and anywhere. For university's students, they can manage their own time, and I believe they could do it better than students from elementary schools. The interesting one is, when the online classroom begun, most of them turn off the sound and video in their mobile devices. Where are they, then? I hope they still listen to what the lecturer said in lecturing, of course while doing something else.
Well.. ok, I know every student has their own style of learning. For me, it's ok if they can do studying while doing something else, as long as they got what the subject I teach. At the end, something cross my mind to give some advices to my students about how to develop self-discipline in online study. And I think it's very important.
What is self discipline and how can it relate to students?
Self discipline means regulating oneself and making corrections to one’s thoughts and behaviors in order to improve oneself.
For students, this can mean: keeping yourself focused on assignments or in classes, not getting yourself distracted during lectures or times of study and making sure that you’re on track with deadlines. This is especially important once you enter college, where you will need to rely on yourself and only yourself to meet your academic goals.
Steps to Self Discipline
1. Know your Strength and Weakness
Some students don't like when they have to present their papers in front of the class. They are struggling with their anxiety and need a support from the teacher. Some students like to be in the center of the class, and good in public speaking.
You better know what is your strength in some subjects and also know about the subjects you are not interesting at all.
2. Know When You Are Motivated
Being motivated can be came from anything and anywhere. Just like listening to the good music, having a good breakfast, wearing a favourite dress, or meeting our friends. Be notice to what that things, and put in on your mind to do it everyday in your days, especially if you feel bored. When you find yourself getting distracted, make a note of the circumstances so that you can avoid the same pitfalls again.
3. Stay Positive
If you feel yourself slipping, don’t lose hope! If you feel you are losing control of your actions and find yourself falling for the distractions again, instead of getting discouraged just take notes about it and challenge yourself to not let it happen again. Think positive and use your mistakes to your advantage! A positive mind and attitude go a long way towards your success as a student.
4. Get Better at Time Management
Great time management can help you limit procrastination and stress, achieve your goals, and make your free time more enjoyable because you won’t be worried about what else you could be getting done. Make it a point to improve your time management skills in order to increase your self discipline as a student.
When you can handled of your self discipline, you may reach some goals, such as feeling that you can control and motivate yourself in doing something that you like and it will lead you to reach what your dreams in this life.
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